Gisele Amantea
Articles and Essays
Social / Political
Aleppo, Syria December 17, 2016 (2018)
Verse by the Side of the Road 2017
Anteroom 2015
Barrière (Version 1 & 2) 2001, 2003
At the end of the visible spectrum 2014
Democracy 2012
Remember the Ladies (Version 1 & 2) 2014, 2017
Barbed Wire (Berlin, 1961) 2010
In Your Dreams 1998
Clôture de la honte (Mont-Royal – Parc Extension) 2010
Untitled (Poodle) 2012
The Great Hedge (British India, 19th Century) 2010
A Barbed Wire Typology 2010
Do I What? (Version 1 & 2) 1999, 2003
Heaven’s Gate (after Stockhausen) 2009
Knock Out (Version 1 & 3) 1998, 2010
Jewel Point 1996
Discounted Sublime (Paintings by Levine Flexhaugh) 2004
Over the Rainbow 1998